217 research outputs found

    Secret Message Transmission by HARQ with Multiple Encoding

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    Secure transmission between two agents, Alice and Bob, over block fading channels can be achieved similarly to conventional hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) by letting Alice transmit multiple blocks, each containing an encoded version of the secret message, until Bob informs Alice about successful decoding by a public error-free return channel. In existing literature each block is a differently punctured version of a single codeword generated with a Wyner code that uses a common randomness for all blocks. In this paper instead we propose a more general approach where multiple codewords are generated from independent randomnesses. The class of channels for which decodability and secrecy is ensured is characterized, with derivations for the existence of secret codes. We show in particular that the classes are not a trivial subset (or superset) of those of existing schemes, thus highlighting the novelty of the proposed solution. The result is further confirmed by deriving the average achievable secrecy throughput, thus taking into account both decoding and secrecy outage.Comment: Proc. Int. Conference on Communications (ICC) 201

    Achievable Secrecy Rates of an Energy Harvesting Device

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    The secrecy rate represents the amount of information per unit time that can be securely sent on a communication link. In this work, we investigate the achievable secrecy rates in an energy harvesting communication system composed of a transmitter, a receiver and a malicious eavesdropper. In particular, because of the energy constraints and the channel conditions, it is important to understand when a device should transmit and to optimize how much power should be used in order to improve security. Both full knowledge and partial knowledge of the channel are considered under a Nakagami fading scenario. We show that high secrecy rates can be obtained only with power and coding rate adaptation. Moreover, we highlight the importance of optimally dividing the transmission power in the frequency domain, and note that the optimal scheme provides high gains in secrecy rate over the uniform power splitting case. Analytically, we explain how to find the optimal policy and prove some of its properties. In our numerical evaluation, we discuss how the maximum achievable secrecy rate changes according to the various system parameters. Furthermore, we discuss the effects of a finite battery on the system performance and note that, in order to achieve high secrecy rates, it is not necessary to use very large batteries.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (Mar. 2016

    Power Allocation in Multiuser Parallel Gaussian Broadcast Channels With Common and Confidential Messages

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    We consider a broadcast communication over parallel channels, where the transmitter sends K+1 messages: one common message to all users, and K confidential messages to each user, which need to be kept secret from all unintended users. We assume partial channel state information at the transmitter, stemming from noisy channel estimation. Our main goal is to design a power allocation algorithm in order to maximize the weighted sum rate of common and confidential messages under a total power constraint. The resulting problem for joint encoding across channels is formulated as the cascade of two problems, the inner min problem being discrete, and the outer max problem being convex. Thereby, efficient algorithms for this kind of optimization program can be used as solutions to our power allocation problem. For the special case K=2 , we provide an almost closed-form solution, where only two single variables must be optimized, e.g., through dichotomic searches. To reduce computational complexity, we propose three new algorithms, maximizing the weighted sum rate achievable by two suboptimal schemes that perform per-user and per-channel encoding. By numerical results, we assess the performance of all proposed algorithms as a function of different system parameters

    Exact Spectral Analysis of Single-h and Multi-h CPM Signals through PAM decomposition and Matrix Series Evaluation

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    In this paper we address the problem of closed-form spectral evaluation of CPM. We show that the multi-h CPM signal can be conveniently generated by a PTI SM. The output is governed by a Markov chain with the unusual peculiarity of being cyclostationary and reducible; this holds also in the single-h context. Judicious reinterpretation of the result leads to a formalization through a stationary and irreducible Markov chain, whose spectral evaluation is known in closed-form from the literature. Two are the major outcomes of this paper. First, unlike the literature, we obtain a PSD in true closed-form. Second, we give novel insights into the CPM format.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figure

    Achievable Secrecy Rates of an Energy Harvesting Device with a Finite Battery

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    In this paper, we investigate the achievable secrecy rates in an Energy Harvesting communication system composed of one transmitter and multiple receivers. In particular, because of the energy constraints and the channel conditions, it is important to understand when a device should transmit or not and how much power should be used. We introduce the Optimal Secrecy Policy in several scenarios. We show that, if the receivers demand high secrecy rates, then it is not always possible to satisfy all their requests. Thus, we introduce a scheme that chooses which receivers should be discarded. Also, we study how the system is influenced by the Channel State Information and, in particular, how the knowledge of the eavesdropper's channel changes the achievable rates

    On the Achievable Error Region of Physical Layer Authentication Techniques over Rayleigh Fading Channels

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    For a physical layer message authentication procedure based on the comparison of channel estimates obtained from the received messages, we focus on an outer bound on the type I/II error probability region. Channel estimates are modelled as multivariate Gaussian vectors, and we assume that the attacker has only some side information on the channel estimate, which he does not know directly. We derive the attacking strategy that provides the tightest bound on the error region, given the statistics of the side information. This turns out to be a zero mean, circularly symmetric Gaussian density whose correlation matrices may be obtained by solving a constrained optimization problem. We propose an iterative algorithm for its solution: Starting from the closed form solution of a relaxed problem, we obtain, by projection, an initial feasible solution; then, by an iterative procedure, we look for the fixed point solution of the problem. Numerical results show that for cases of interest the iterative approach converges, and perturbation analysis shows that the found solution is a local minimum

    Experimental quantum key distribution with finite-key security analysis for noisy channels

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    In quantum key distribution implementations, each session is typically chosen long enough so that the secret key rate approaches its asymptotic limit. However, this choice may be constrained by the physical scenario, as in the perspective use with satellites, where the passage of one terminal over the other is restricted to a few minutes. Here we demonstrate experimentally the extraction of secure keys leveraging an optimal design of the prepare-and-measure scheme, according to recent finite-key theoretical tight-bounds. The experiment is performed in different channel conditions, and assuming two distinct attack models: individual attacks, or general quantum attacks. The request on the number of exchanged qubits is then obtained as a function of the key size and of the ambient quantum bit error rate. The results indicate that viable conditions for effective symmetric, and even one-time-pad, cryptography are achievable.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Low-power Secret-key Agreement over OFDM

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    Information-theoretic secret-key agreement is perhaps the most practically feasible mechanism that provides unconditional security at the physical layer to date. In this paper, we consider the problem of secret-key agreement by sharing randomness at low power over an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) link, in the presence of an eavesdropper. The low power assumption greatly simplifies the design of the randomness sharing scheme, even in a fading channel scenario. We assess the performance of the proposed system in terms of secrecy key rate and show that a practical approach to key sharing is obtained by using low-density parity check (LDPC) codes for information reconciliation. Numerical results confirm the merits of the proposed approach as a feasible and practical solution. Moreover, the outage formulation allows to implement secret-key agreement even when only statistical knowledge of the eavesdropper channel is available.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures; this is the authors prepared version of the paper with the same name accepted for HotWiSec 2013, the Second ACM Workshop on Hot Topics on Wireless Network Security and Privacy, Budapest, Hungary 17-19 April 201